Middle-aged Spiderman has more in common with the guys as they discuss aspects of aging. Glasses! We catch up on everything since the JOKER. Did Deven just say 'Walking Phoenix?' Awards season is quickly approaching and they discuss possible contenders and past winners. Kirk cannot drop the Shape Of Water winning best picture. Greg needs conflict with his Mr. Rogers films. Adam Driver walking out on an interview - should actors watch their own films? The Irishman: 3.5 hours of glowing blue eyes. An honest review of Scorsese's cinematic feat and the problems of older actors playing younger. We learn that if you want to sell tickets, get Hugh Jackman. TV Recommendations: Watchmen and the Mandalorian. The guys discuss New Year's Resolutions, except Greg. Santa Con comes with the best audition excuse ever.
Episode 02: SAD KEANU
We get a taste of a Usual Rejects show as the boys perform a parody scene of Back to the Future 3 for the first time. The genius of Steven Spielberg and being prepared for Ready Player One. The resurrection of Shia Labeouf’s career is questioned. Sad Keanu calls in for the first time!
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